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pondělí 7. listopadu 2011

ContrastCorrection 1.00 (W.I.P.)

I has been messing up with some nodes and I don´t even know what each of them do! Just connected some inputs & outputs into the final ContrastCorrection node and it seems to work! Need to tweak it so much! And even, the values are so sensitive. If I add value 0.1, then the screen is fully blue! :D
Expect the images in few days & release date on Friday! (Probably)
(I added more "Blue" color to the game and highlited a sun (brightness))

6 komentářů:

  1. Amazing Work Truly amazing..........WOW

  2. :) Thank you. I am still trying to fix DoF 1.00 mod (There is a problem with a loading) idk. I will might delete it and import all my works to one :)

  3. Actually i CAN see some good difference....i guess u could call me a graphics whore lol
    neway heres a suggestion if u can call it that about the DOF

    From what i understand it is object based..basically when you focus on an object everything else gets blurred.....BUT could you make it even more accurate so that when i focus on a particular part of the object or really zoom in on an object,,some part of the object can also get blurred.
    i think that would make it even more beautiful no??

  4. so, if you focus on car, everything gets blurred and car little bit too? idk if i can do that :D add me on skype "isqueezee", so we can talk :)

  5. SORRY MAN im living in UAE and skypes blocked here
    and like i said i dont really know much about programming....just giving u ideas is all
    u have shone or promuckaj or watever his name(the guy whoz making qualitymod)......u could get his help
    Also qmod has slow-mo....could u make it more like an actualy suit power so that it uses up the energy bar when used....or maybe it could have an energy bar of its own....much like F.E.A.R

  6. Ok. i just added ya. well, as i said before. the bar that show slow-motion energy or % could be possible. lets see what i can do ;) thx for idea. i will be working on something else after CC done.
