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neděle 27. listopadu 2011

The Realness 1.3 Changelog

- New TOD optimized for every level
- New sun lighting, color & direction
- Adjusted HDR & HDRBloom for every level
- Improved and customized shadows and post proccesing
- Auto adjusing HDRAdapt & HDRAdaptSpeed
- New and realistic sunshafts & sun flares

Mod also includes "Lens Flare" mod by promuckaj

 Mod also includes "Particle" mod by Sequoia

And some screens from the WIP version:

And there is a comparison video of my mod and default Crysis 2 graphics :)

sobota 19. listopadu 2011


Got some sexy screens playing along with RealnesV25 & Maldo Texture Mod + New Particle Mod 1.1

pátek 18. listopadu 2011

The Realness 1.25

The Realness 1.25!

-Improved Anamorphic Flare (BETA mod, not so much work on it yet!)
-Day lighting (Not Time of Day!)
-Adjusted Contrast/Color Correction[/color] for each time in every level
-Improved & lowered down glow via console commands "HDRBrightLevel & HDRBloomMul"
-Improved Depth of Field from 1.0 to 1.25
-Balanced contrast and brightness[/color] for opened environment & dark corners such as flats
-Camera & gun shaking effect[/color] added via console commands "Camera_Noise & BobHeight - Width"
-HUD shaking adjusted to "real battlefield" movement via console "BobHUD"
-Updated real reflections & sun flares




The Final look of The Realness 1.25!


středa 16. listopadu 2011

The Realness 1.25 Changelog!

-Improved Anamorphic Flare (BETA mod, not so much work on it yet!)
-Day lighting (Not Time of Day!)
-Adjusted Contrast/Color Correction for each time in every level
-Improved & lowered down glow via console commands "HDRBrightLevel & HDRBloomMul"
-Improved Depth of Field 1.0 to 1.25
-Balanced contrast and brightness for opened environment & dark corners such as flats
-Camera & gun shaking effect added via console commands "Camera_Noise & BobHeight - Width"
-HUD shaking adjusted to "real battlefield" movement via console "BobHUD"
-Updated real reflections & sun flares

The Actual WIP looks of The Realness 1.25!

úterý 15. listopadu 2011

Working on Anamorphic Flare!

Yeah guys, after "promuckaj" thread on talking about Lens Flare mod he is making, i´ve tried to make Anamorphic flare. The settings are not finished and even, i have to setup it with mainly lights so you eyes dont get fuckd up :D here is a video and screenshot from the actual work.

pondělí 14. listopadu 2011

The Realness 1.25 Delay!

Hey guys, Im having a really sad. The mod could have been in BETA test as the left-top corner says but. The console commands that i´ve putted inside the flowgraph, doesn´t work in-game! Almost full mod is done by console commands. I´m sorry but, as you can see in video. The mod looks pretty nice, (in editor console commands works) but I have to extend the release date and figure out if it´s possible to make a console commands working :(
(Ignore the bar at the top, my download suck these days :D)